Design Geek Opinion

Calvin & Hobbes: officially the best thing in the world

There are people that haven’t heard of Calvin & Hobbes. Or they’re vaguely aware that it’s a comic strip, but then remember that they think comic strips are for kids and, well, there’s so many more worthy things to sink their time into. I feel sorry for these people. Without doubt, Calvin & Hobbes by Bill Watterson […]


I am not dead. Probably.

Hello, good folk of the inter-webs. It’s been a while (okay, fine, a little over eight months) since I posted anything here, mainly due to life happening and mostly being entirely out of my control. A rather perturbing health issue (mostly a false alarm, thankfully) and deciding to move to the opposite end of the […]

Geek Opinion

The Last Jedi – A Review. Kind of.

Before getting to the meat of my opinion on The Last Jedi some context is required. As anyone that knows me (or has taken even a cursory glance at this site) can tell you, I’m a massive Star Wars fan. Not the rabid, prequel-trilogy apologist kind of fan that thinks Star Wars can do no […]

Geek Opinion

Nintendo have some old rope they’d like to sell you…

Yesterday/today, the internet (or, more specifically, the part of the internet in love with retro videogames) imploded. Nintendo announced what we’d all known was coming: a follow-up to their unbelievably rare (that happens when you only make 17 of the things) NES Classic in the form of a *drum roll* SNES Classic. Ooh. Yes, come […]

Geek Opinion

Star Wars may be 40 but it’s as fabulous as ever…

It cannot possibly have escaped your notice that today, May 4th, is officially Star Wars Day. A day to celebrate the greatest movie franchise in history and, some would say, the biggest thing to happen in popular culture since someone in a polo-neck jumper and silly little glasses coined the term “popular culture”. I do […]

Cars Opinion

Top Gear Season 24 – thank goodness it’s a car show again

Yes, Top Gear. Much has been said and written about it over the last few weeks. Mostly of the “bring back Clarkson et al” variety (an unrealistic and stupid position), or “it can’t last much longer” (a worryingly believable position, after series 23). I was tempted to weigh into the argument early on, but decided to […]

Cars Design Opinion

Design, science and art working in harmony

As anyone that has spent any time at all in my company will tell you, I’m a pain in the neck. I’m also pretty obsessed with art and design (naturally), cars and engineering generally. Over the years a number of design colleagues have questioned my love of cars. It hastily gets dismissed as old school […]

Cars Opinion

Geneva Motor Show – the best real life stuff

It’s that time of year again. The Geneva Motor Show has spread its wares across the internet for us all to pore over, discuss and eventually descend into meaningless arguments over cars most of us will never drive. Ah, the life of a petrolhead! Nevertheless, some absolutely stunning vehicles have been previewed and displayed. Granted, […]


The toys, ephemera and detritus of one’s youth

*WARNING* There follows an entirely self-indulgent post, where I basically whoop and holler about some old toys you probably won’t be interested in. You’ve been warned. “You dad’s been cleaning the loft out.” This is the kind of conversation starter that my mom would usually choose to brace me for the fact that either dad’s […]

Cars Opinion

Here come the car shows

It’s been a busy few days in the car world. As the car show season gets ever closer (starting next week with the Geneva Motor Show), news, snippets and new model confirmations are coming thick and fast. Over the last few days we’ve had some very interesting news. Including these choice snippets… GUESS WHO’S BACK? […]


Apidya: when videogames were bonkers

Have you gone into a videogame store recently? I don’t mean just navigated your way to a web store either. I mean an actual flourescent-lit, sticky carpeted, grouchy-teen filled bricks and mortar shop. Hellish places. To avoid such interaction is why we have the internet. I have no idea why anyone would physically shop for […]

Cars Opinion

Ugly and pointless cars abound…

Yesterday, I was waxing lyrical about some of the fabulous road-based metal winging our way in 2017. There’s some utterly gorgeous and very much not-pointless stuff coming, not least the mightily pretty Maserati Alfieri. Sadly, 2017 also appears to be the year of the “Ugly and Pointless” car. And today has seen three marvellously good […]